Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The More Things Change...

The more they stay the same for some. Recently I witnessed my own growth. It can be surprising when it happens because you are not expecting it. I was asked the same question but this time I gave a different answer. I gave pause when delivering my answer because at that moment I recognized and embraced the growth and welcomed the change!

The question: "Are you happy?"

My usual answer: I could be if only I...(you can fill in the blank here)

My answer given today: Yes, absolutely!

The person then asked: "Well aren't you still temping and didn't you recently report a nagging toothache on Facebook?"

My response: Sure, I've had a nagging toothache for the past 24 hours but it will subside and the dentist will take care of it when I get insurance. I still have my health and my teeth! I find I am no longer dwelling on what's wrong but embracing what is right. Sure, I'm still temping and proud to have a place to go and get paid for 40 hours a week.

The person was expecting the negative. I no longer live negative, I live moment to moment - I roll with all that comes my way and make the best of it and most importantly LEARN from it.

The person who asked me the question was used to me complaining and therefore join in on my pity party. This time there was no pity only party.

2012 will be another year for me to get it write...literally!

Happy New Year.

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