Thursday, December 22, 2011

Disappointment Comes to Us All...

Well the news finally arrived last night at 7:03, I was not selected for the Fox Writer's program. Last night I guess I was numb to the rejection and even this morning I feel ok yet growing sadder by the minute. What does this mean? It means I still need to temp, I still will be defined by the temp positions I hold, people will think less of me and continue to look down on me and sadly most of all, I don't feel hope right now.

The experience:

I am glad I went for it. I wished I had a strong mentor to tell me what I'm doing wrong. I know I'm a writer but in order to be legit, you've got to be paid as one and well read in this town.

What's next?

I guess I keep writing and I keep temping. I keep playing the role that I am less than everyone else because all I'm good for is answering a phone. It's better than having nothing and I know in my heart it is not what defines me. I just hoped beyond hope. And it's even funnier that I can't even get a permanent job answering phones so I must suck at that too!


Never let them get me down and keep writing - there are no other choices.

Merry Christmas!

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