Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Okay, I haven't been blogging...

What a summer! No, don't get excited nothing major has happened nor have I fallen in love or sold a television show...YET! Honestly, I've just been dealing with life. My boys (dogs) are old and the past few weeks have made me realize that they are not going to physically be with me forever. Russell chewed a hole through his tale in June and I've been playing "vet" since then (I've perfected maggot removal). Saturday I'm taking him to officially set the vet, hoping something can be done to help him live longer. Cross your fingers and pray please.

My family is AWESOME and I love them.

I'm still temping and very grateful...yep, it's still hard to get work out there. All the shows are staffed, they completed staffing at the end of May. Fortunately I do have something to look forward to...PITCH SEASON!!! It officially starts in the next couple of weeks. I've signed on my writing partner to help me revamp my pilot. It turns out I'm really great at writing GORE! Who knew? So she is going to help me to NOT keep it SO REAL!!!

I promise to blog more...not everyday like Miss 26, as I have to work my way up to that celebrity status. I'm sure once I do, I will have more than three followers!!

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