Monday, March 28, 2016

Trigger Material Realities

Some often ask how I can write about such horrible human experiences. It is not easy. Knowing so much information on the atrocities humans do to each other does make one suspicious of all relationships, therefore often creating a very solitary existence. I think many writers are like this by nature. We already have so many stories in our head. I'm happy I've found a balance. I socialize and I get out into the world to find that balance. There are good people out there somewhere.

Why do I write about harsh realities? Because they are realities that need to get in check...quickly. If I can stop one person from falling prey to human cruelty by opening their eyes, then I guess I've done my job. I look at it as leveling the playing field by shedding light on the darkness. Reality TV is not real. It's easy money and tons of exposure without doing any work. Let's face it, we are now a society of extremely sensitive, lazy, litigious (let's sue someone because they made me actually FEEL and so I don't have to go out and get a job) and entitled people.

As a writer, I do a ton of research and often seek both sides of the situation. In my pilot #Trafficked, while I don't take sides, I peer into the life of a trafficker as well as a trafficked victim. Everyone always should see the backstory because everyone has one.

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